Thailand’s Cannabis Industry is Off to the Races

Welcome to’s first Article! Thailand’s cannabis industry is about to head to the moon, and it’s surely going to be an exciting adventure along the way! If you’re looking for a piece of the pie, or want to source the finest quality cannabis businesses nationwide then hop on board!
Who would have thought that Thailand would be so bold, to join the forefront of the worldwide cannabis industry, leading the way for other Asian nations to utilize the amazing cash crop that is Cannabis?
Wherever Cannabis is legalized, the industry booms, creating not only life-changing sources of income for people involved; but changes the lives of medical users who no longer need to rely on side effect-ridden pharmaceuticals, to users who just need help with a good night’s sleep, to people with serious chronic illnesses, many of them have their quality of life drastically improved.
So behold, Thailand’s cannabis industry is just beginning, so follow along if you want a piece of the action!
In case any of you still relate cannabis to the lazy kids in school, the stereotypical stoners who are unproductive and the stigma cannabis once had, well the market is worth about 18 billion dollars worldwide with an average growth of 25% per year
Canada was one of the first countries to legalize cannabis, and since 2018 a few multi-billion dollar companies have risen inside of this new market.
Medical experts worldwide are finally seeing cannabis for its many benefits, and activists worldwide are rejoicing, as the truth they knew all along is finally validated.
Medical users have been getting locked up for growing a plant that helped them have some quality of life for decades… thankfully Thailand is now no longer a country that will do something so barbaric.
I won’t get started on the conspiracy reasons of just why it was made illegal in the first place… but Google is your friend!
What Can We Expect to See in Thailand?
Currently, Thailand’s cannabis law has confused many, but it’s VERY simple!
According to our public health minister Anutin Charnvirakul, ALL PARTS, of the plant are no longer classed as a narcotic substances. This means cannabis is basically the same as your household garlic.
However! Concentrated versions of the active compounds, mainly THC oil, need to be under 0.2 percent. So growing and transporting dried cannabis flowers is absolutely fine, just make sure you consume it in the safety of your own home, otherwise, you may end up getting in trouble for smoking in public, this won’t be for smoking an illegal drug but for being a public nuisance.
The Thai government strongly wants to discourage the recreational usage of the plant, whether it’s right or wrong, we should feel extremely happy with the progress so far and do our best to follow their rules so the Thailand cannabis industry can grow to our international friend’s numbers.
That was a very brief overview of the state of play with the Thailand Cannabis industry; coming up next, we visit a couple of Phuket cannabis farms and talk a bit about Thailand’s native cannabis strains, who’s been keeping them alive for decades, and a guide to growing the government strain outdoors, anywhere in Thailand.

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